Publications 1985 to 1999
click here for publications
Antolin, M.F. 1999.
A genetic perspective on mating systems and sex ratios of parasitoid
wasps. Researches on Population
Ecology 41:29-37.
A.K., G.E. Heimpel, M.R. Strand, and M.F.
Antolin. 1999. Survival
of diploid males in Bracon sp.
near hebetor (Hymenoptera :
Braconidae). Annals of the
Entomological Society of America 92:110-116.
G.E., M.F. Antolin, and M.R.
Strand. 1999. Diversity of
sex-determining alleles in Bracon
hebetor. Heredity
X., K.R. Hopper, M.F. Antolin,
and D.J. Kazmer. 1998. Does
time until mating affect progeny sex ratio? A manipulative experiment
with the parasitoid wasp Aphelinus
asychis. Journal of
Evolutionary Biology 11:611-622.
T.T., and M.F. Antolin. 1998.
Population genetics of an opportunistic parasitoid in an agricultural
landscape. Heredity 80:152-162.
P.J., M.F. Antolin, and M.R.
Strand. 1998. Differential
dispersal and female-biased sex allocation in a parasitic wasp. Ecological Entomology 23:314-318.
M., A.D. Austin, and M.F. Antolin.
1998. Evolutionary
relationships among the Braconidae (Hymenoptera : Ichneumonoidea)
inferred from partial 16S rDNA gene sequences. Insect
Molecular Biology 7:129-150.
K., P.J. Ode, M.F. Antolin,
and M.R. Strand. 1997.
Environmental and genetic determinants of ovicide in the parasitic wasp Bracon hebetor. Behavioral
Ecology 8:647-654.
G.E., M.F. Antolin, R.A.
Franqui, and M.R. Strand. 1997.
Reproductive isolation and genetic variation between two ''strains'' of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Biological Control 9:149-156.
P.J., M.F. Antolin, and R.R.
Strand. 1997. Constrained
oviposition and female-biased sex allocation in a parasitic wasp. Oecologia 109:547-555.
P.J., M.F. Antolin, and M.R.
Strand. 1996. Sex allocation
and sexual asymmetries in intra-brood competition in the parasitic wasp Bracon
hebetor. Journal of Animal Ecology 65:690-700.
D.S., P.J. Ode, M.R. Strand, and M.F.
Antolin. 1996.
Host-searching and mating in an outbreeding parasitoid wasp. Ecological Entomology 21:27-33.
M.S., M.F. Antolin, and M.
Rose. 1996. Courtship
behavior, reproductive relationships, and allozyme patterns of three
North American populations of Eretmocerus
nr californicus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitizing the whitefly Bemisia
sp, tabaci complex (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 98:126-137.
Antolin, M.F., C.F. Bosio, J. Cotton, W. Sweeney, M.R.
Strand, and W.C. Black. 1996.
Intensive linkage mapping in a wasp (Bracon
hebetor) and a mosquito (Aedes
aegypti) with single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of
random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Genetics
T.T., M.F. Antolin, and L.B.
Bjostad. 1996. Behavioral and
physiological responses of Diaeretiella
rapae to semiochemicals. Entomologia
Experimentalis Et Applicata 78:187-196.
Antolin, M.F., D.S. Guertin, and J.J. Petersen. 1996.
The origin of gregarious Muscidifurax
(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in North America: An analysis using
molecular markers. Biological Control 6:76-82.
X., K.R. Hopper, and M.F. Antolin.
1995. Mate finding via a
trail sex pheromone by a parasitoid wasp. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Antolin, M.F., P.J. Ode, and M.R. Strand. 1995.
Variable sex ratios and ovicide in an outbreeding parasitic wasp. Animal
Behaviour 49:589-600.
P.J., M.F. Antolin, and M.R. Strand. 1995. Brood-mate
avoidance in the parasitic wasp Bracon
hebetor Say. 1995. Animal
Behaviour 49:1239-1248.
Antolin, M.F. 1992.
Sex ratio variation in a parasitic wasp. 2. Diallele cross. Evolution
Antolin, M.F. 1992.
Sex ratio variation in a parasitic wasp. 1. Reaction norms. Evolution
Antolin, M.F., and M.R. Strand. 1992. Mating system of Bracon
hebetor (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Ecological
Entomology 17:1-7.
Antolin, M.F., and J.F. Addicott. 1991.
Colonization, among shoot movement, and local population neighborhoods
of two aphid species. Oikos
Antolin, M.F., and R.L. Williams. 1989.
Host feeding and egg production in Muscidifurax
zaraptor (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Florida
Entomologist 72:129-134.
Antolin, M.F. 1989.
Genetic considerations in the study of attack behavior of parasitoids,
with reference to Muscidefurax
raptor (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Florida
Entomologist 72:15-32.
Antolin, M.F., and J.F. Addicott. 1988.
Habitat selection and colony survival of Macrosiphum
valeriani clarke (Homoptera, Aphididae). Annals
of the Entomological Society of America 81:245-251.
Antolin, M.F., and D.R. Strong. 1987. Long-distance dispersal by a parasitoid (Anagrus delicatus, Mymaridae) and its host. Oecologia 73:288-292.
J.F., J.M. Aho, M.F. Antolin,
D.K. Padilla, J.S. Richardson, and D.A. Soluk. 1987.
Ecological neigborhoods: Scaling environmental patterns. Oikos 49:340-346.
Antolin, M.F., and C. Strobeck. 1985. The population genetics of somatic mutation in plants. American
Naturalist 126:52-62.